Writers Workshop 4

The Day Every Kids Dream Came True                        Jayden

Mr. E


It was just a normal and sunny day in the town of Blingelburg. Kids were at school, adults at work, then the strangest thing happened. When it was recess, kids noticed that there were jellybeans on the ground and building up on the play structures. Then they noticed that they were falling from the sky! They did not know whether to be excited or to be scared. By now there was a scent as if someone got a fruit bomb and dropped in the middle of the school yard, expelling its delicious smells.

Everyone was confused as to what was happening, but no one must of have thought much of it since they went to bed and ignored the candy falling from the sky! The next morning when the people of Blingelburg woke up they were surprised to see mounds and mounds of jellybeans, as if someone painted hills with all the colours of the rainbow. There was a huge roadblock on the town’s main bridge while people were shoveling the candy off the bridge into the water on either side so the fish could get a taste of the fruity goodness (not plan A). The initial plan was to get a giant loading truck and get people to shovel the candy into the back of the truck and then they would dump it somewhere outside of the town. The only problem was that the truck got stuck in the car blockage so that didn’t work, and they had to go with the fish idea (plan B). At this point the bridge looked like a colony of ants waiting in line for crumbs from a lunch that someone just finished.

It was soon to near the 2ft mark of jellybeans. The town mayor whose name was Billy McMuffin changed the towns name to Jellyburg. People liked the town’s new name since it related to the situation which they were in currently. There were a few people that did not like candy and refused to go outside and were trying to find a way that they could stop this madness. I guess we can refer to those people as “Candily Distancers”.

There plan was to make a giant vacuum in the middle of the town to suck up all the jellybeans, it would act as a blackhole. It started working at first then the vacuum did a reverse glitch and started spewing jellybeans all over the place. It formed a giant candy tornado! It was at least 30 feet tall and looked as if the season spring was a tornado. When one of the beans hit you, I felt like a paintball struck you, that’s how powerful this was. Eventually after it ripped through some houses and buildings it started to fizzle off and back onto the ground. They got the machine fixed again and it went back to normal. The “Candily Distancers” came out on top!

Most people were sad that this strange storm had come to an end. Luckily nothing was hurt except for people’s diets. The towns name remained as Jellyburg. People say that if you listen very closely at night when everything is quiet, you can still hear the tiny, high pitched screams of terror from the Jellybeans as they were getting sucked up.

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