Writers Workshop 1

The Abductions Of 2020                                                                By: Jayden Hibbert

It  was  a  normal  day  in  the  early  fall  of  2020,  if  you  could  call  it  a  normal  day.  In  the  midst  of  COVID – 19  and  protests,  NASA  had found  life  on  the  planet  Venus.  Everybody  was  very  shocked, even scared, even  though  what  NASA  had  found  hadn’t  appeared  to  be dangerous.

As  fast  as  possible,  NASA  had  come  out  with  another  brand  new version  of  an  already  completed  Mars  rover.  It  was  modified  to  be  able  to  withstand  the  harsh  climates  of  the  planet.  So  on December, 20,  the  rover  was  set  to  be  sent   out  into  space  to explore  the  surface  of  the  planet  more  completely.

It  was  on  all  the  news  headlines  and  nothing  else  was  being  talked  about,  not  even  the  COVID – 19  cases  rising  at  an  alarming  rate.

So,  just  as  planned,  NASA  sent  the  rover  out  on  December, 20. Everybody  was  waiting  for  the  launch  to  happen  to  see  if  it  was  a  success,  and  indeed  it  was!  Everybody  was  cheering  and  clapping  and  cheering  in  elation  that  they  were  going  to  be  able  to  see what’s   on  Venus  for  themselves.

In  no  later  than  a  week the  rover  had  successfully  landed  on  the  surface  of  the  planet  and  started  the  exploration.  Since  there  were  heavy – duty  cameras  covering  all  corners  and  angles,  you could   watch  a  livestream  that  showed all  the  angles  of  what  the  rover could  see.

But,  on  the  third  day  of  exploration,  when  the  rover  was  about  to  finish  it’s  first  loop,  there  was  a  fast  and  very  strange  flash. Instantly,  the  cameras  went  black  and  there  was  nothing  to  see.

The  world  was  very  confused  and  alarmed  by  this  sight.

If you  were  to  slow  down  the  moment  the  cameras  went  black  and  the  big  flash,  you  would  see a  weird  and  slimy  creature  with several human  features.  Some  of  these  included  hands,  feet and a head.

With no hesitation, the armies were preparing for if or when a alien attack happened. In no later than a week the unexpected did happen, a alien abduction happened…

The first case was at a school in Orlando. Two kids in a 7/8 classroom during a recess had been abducted. The witnesses said that they had seen a UFO that had a beam coming out that picked up the kids. This enraged people and inspired them to find and stop the aliens. The second was a kid in grade 5 in Paris.

That very day, the aliens had hacked all the TVs, radios and phones, this was their message:

“Hello humans of the planet Earth. We have been watching you for some time now. We have learnt your ways and practiced them to use them against you. If you want your children back, here are the instructions.”

Everyone was terrified by this sight and took no hesitation in following the instructions until they found out what would happen if you lost. The first and only step was to go to any McDonald’s parking lot in the world, and then at 12:00 am, they would be lifted onto the aliens spaceship and they would have a game of dodgeball to the death. Only a few brave players showed up, seventy to be exact.

At precisely 12:00 as planned, they were abducted and transformed into alien dodgeball gear. The rules were straight forward and nearly identical to the normal human dodgeball version. The only difference was once you’re out, your out for good.

There would have been more contestants, but the aliens and the humans got distracted by the amazing deals on the Big Mac, that they missed the game!

Very quickly the game started. In the first opening minutes the humans were up 50-30 players. About seven minutes later the aliens had tied it up and made it 1-1, it was very intense. The last man threw an amazing throw and hit the very last alien square in the chest and got him out.

The man and the three kids got returned back to their homes. The man was treated as a hero when he was returned, as well as the men and women that had died up on the ship. In the end, the kids were saved and the aliens were defeated and the world was safe and sound once again.

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