Phil The Scientist

Once upon a time there was a kid named Phil. He was determined to be a scientist and the next Einstein. He already knew some stuff like how to make a volcano or how to make a homemade lava lamp. Just the basics. He decided to go to a website and figure out some most experiments that he could perform. He asked him mom if he could make a homemade firework in his backyard but she said no. He was sad and decided to go to the park and make it there. He called his friends to tell them to come to the park and check it out. Just as he showed up there his friends were on the sidewalk about to come into the park.

He got all of his supplies set up and his friends brought some cardboard armour for protection. 3..2…1… blast off! The firework shot into the air and made a huge crack of sound. It was rattling everyones eardrums and they were ringing for a solid 2 minutes. His mom heard the bang and she came down to the park to see what the commotion was. Phil saw her coming down the road and Phil booked it. He wasn’t going to get caught today. He dodged a couple of trees and hopped over a bench and went down another road so his mom didnt see him.

He made it home and pretended he was downstairs the whole time. His mom accused him of this but he denied. As his mom was leaving the room he had a smirk on his face. In the next few years in school he got straight perfect marks and was the top of his class in science. After high school he studied different types of science from animals to chemicals. He then became a well known scientist and made lots of money. He had achieved his goal and he was super happy.

That is the end of the story and Ii hoped you enjoyed. Here’s some links to some blogs

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